Friday, July 13, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Our little guy turned one on June 1! He had a fun time at his baseball party with all his family and friends. His Grammy made him a really yummy baseball cake. Brady was disappointed that his God Father Mike Barber was unable to show, but Uncle Justin took time off from the set to make a special appearance.


Katie said...

looks great Wes and Kristy! Now you know how to do it Kristy, you can post stuff all the time!
Look forward to seeing more!

Janelle said...

That cake is FABULOUS!!! and Brady is such a handsome little guy! We love you! Janelle

HJH said...

Cute pics Kristie! It was really fun seeing you guys recently and going to Wicked!

I was talking to Janelle and we were saying that we definately have to plan the New York trip in the spring and start saving!


Tal and Deb said...

It was fun seeing all the cute pictures of our perfectly adorable grandchildren! Let's plan on New York for sure, for Sure, for Sure! As Glinda, the good witch Debbie style would say!


Mom and Dad