What a crazy week we have had. Started with me leaving the fam for my Young Women camp out on Friday night and returning Saturday morning with the stomach flu. Yuck!! Wes being the great Dad that he is tried to keep the kids away and out of the house. So off to the park they went on their bikes. Brady fell off of that zip line contraption at the park landing him in the ER with a broken arm. Wes was quite the hero. Manning both kids by himself and managing to get Coleman down for a nap and to the hospital with Brady, while I was still barfing. Brady is the toughest little guy ever. He has been such a trooper. They sent him home in a splint and told us to go to the ortho on Monday. So to the ortho we went. My biggest concern was "How am I going to keep this cast from smelling?" Well lucky me, they have invented waterproof cast, for those of us with this issue. Brady was so excited about his blue cast. I was very thrilled it was from the elbow down too. Then on Tuesday I went to the gym for my regular workout and put the boys in the kids club. About 30 min later I am paged back to the kids club. What do I find? Brady's cast in his hand. It fell off! When he took his sweatshirt off it came off too. So back to the ortho. I'm telling you, my little Brady is a trooper. He was so brave! Well long story short, he is now in a long cast from his shoulder down. Waterproof is not an option for long cast either! But most importantly he is thrilled about his blue cast! I hope we never experience another broken bone again.
oh that is so funny! Thanks for the laugh! Hannah had a blue cast last month fortunetly hers stayed on! Good luck to brady!
What a tough little man!!!Give him a hug from my kids who said, "Oh... poor little Brady." and were very concerned!!! Except Lily who said, "Who's Brady???"
The first picture is priceless.
What a doozy of a week! Tell brady that I think his BLUE cast is VERY cool! I can't believe his cast came off? that is crazy.. hopefully this one will stay on.
Tavin keeps telling everyone that his friend Brady broke his arm at the park. I don't know if he even knows what that means. I'll have to show him these pics.
Someone stole your photo and is using it on a CL ad, http://kansascity.craigslist.org/grd/4734284060.ht
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